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Information letter No. 1
2024-05-23 04:37  


"Digital Humanities at the present stage: experience, problems, prospects"


Dear colleagues!

On June 14-16, 2024, we invite you to take part in the I Harbin International Conference on Digital Humanities "Digital Humanities at the present stage: experience, problems, prospects".      

The purpose of the conference is to analyze problems in the field of digital humanities research, to create a platform for professional dialogue between scientists and practitioners on the study and teaching of key issues on the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the humanities, education, culture, and art at universities and schools.

Conference partners: Institute for Advanced Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), A. A. Harkevich Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia), Moscow State Technical University N. E. Bauman (Russia, Moscow), St. Petersburg State University (Russia, Moscow St. Petersburg), Adygea State University (Maykop, Russia), Voronezh State Pedagogical University (Voronezh, Russia), Yugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia).

The topic of the conference    

Digital humanities at the present stage: experience, problems, prospects

Main topics

Including, but not limited to:

1. Digital humanities: new trends and challenges of the era

2. Digital education, neuropedagogy, machine learning

3. Digital history, digital migrationology and e-governance

4. Digital urbanism and issues of digital onomastics

5. Computational Linguistics, NLP and Translation Studies: a breakthrough in the digital age

6. A new understanding of cyberpsychology, cognitive sciences and neuroesthetics

7. Digital media space as a challenge to the humanities and exact sciences

8. Artistic creativity as an object of digital analysis

9. Interdisciplinary research: digital humanities and foreign languages and literatures

10. The development of education in a new era: digital humanities and foreign language teaching

Famous scientists from abroad:

Including, but not limited to

Natalia Alexandrovna Akhrenova - Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Translation Studies and Cognitive Linguistics of the Linguistic Faculty of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Internet Linguistics: Transformation of media text in the Internet environment".

Angelo Cangelosi – Doctor of Mathematics, University of Manchester (UK) "Anthropomorphic robots: language consciousness, learning foreign languages, user behavior".

Leonid Iosifovich Borodkin– Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, founder of historical informatics, "Digital history: the possibilities of digital tools in working with historical documents and artifacts."

Konstantin Vyacheslavovich Vorontsov– Doctor of Mathematics, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University "Machine Learning in modern humanitarian Studies".

Anna Vladimirovna Golubeva– Candidate of Philology, Assoc. St. Petersburg State University, Editor-in-chief of the Zlatoust Educational and Publishing Center (St. Petersburg), "Computer technologies in teaching foreign languages".

Junishi Takeno – Doctor of Mathematics, Professor, (Japan, Meiji University) "Artificial consciousness vs human consciousness" / "Artificial consciousness vs human consciousness".

Marina Rostislavovna Zheltukhina– Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of English Philology of Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Head of the laboratory Pyatigorsk Linguistic University (Volgograd - Pyatigorsk, Russia) "Features of modern media discourse and the specifics of media impact on the recipient".

Irina Sovetovna Karabulatova – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Leibniz European Academy Natural Sciences, Institute of AI of Lomonosov Moscow State University "Neuropsycholinguistic approach to teaching foreign languages".

Sergey Vasilyevich Ryazantsev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Population and Social Research of Mahidol University (Bangkok, Thailand), Head of the Laboratory of International Demographic Studies at the Institute of Demographic and Migration Studies of the Federal Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation), Visiting Professor at the Federal University of San Carlos (San Carlos-Paulo, Brazil) and the Elsa Berko Center for Population Studies (NEPO), Campinas University (Sao Paulo, Brazil) "Digital nomads as a new trend in global migration".

Max Talanov –Doctor of Mathematics, Professor, Institute of Artificial Intelligence (Noviy Sad, Serbia) "Neurostimulation of 8 basic psycho-emotional states based on three neuromodulatory systems: dopamine, serotonin, and nor-adrenaline".

Alexey Gennadievich Fomin– Doctor of Philology, Professor of Kemerovo State University "Breakthrough studies of cognitive linguistics in the digital age".

Holger Kusse – Director of the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Dresden Technical University (Dresden, Germany) "Problems of recognition of manipulation markers in the modern media space".

Shunkov Alexander Viktorovich – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture (Kemerovo) "Digital humanities and new opportunities for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage".

Shustova Svetlana Viktorovna – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Perm National Research University, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Translation, Perm State National Research University (Perm) "Linguistic migrationology as a new branch of applied linguistics".

Masoud Saad Butt – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Center for Innovation in IT Services Applications (iNext), University of Technology (Sydney, Australia), "Digital Healthcare: Cognitive models of health preservation and treatment support".




To participate in the conference, you must submit an application to the organizing committee by May 14, 2024:

heidaeyu614@163.com by specifying the title of the document as "topic number + participant name + university name";

All submitted materials will be checked for borrowings, the originality of the texts should not be lower than 85%.

The registration fee for participation in conferences is 1200 yuan (online for free), for doctoral and undergraduate students the cost is reduced by 50%. Participants will cover transportation and accommodation costs.

The form of the event: online and offline.

Participation format: face-to-face presentation, online presentation, publication of an article, participation as a listener, participation in a panel discussion.

Conference languages: Chinese, Russian, English.

Researchers in the fields of digital humanities, natural language analysis, language education, cognitive sciences and applied linguistics and applied mathematics are invited to participate in the conference.

Important dates

May 14, 2024 – deadline for accepting applications and articles;

June 14, 2024 – payment of the registration fee.

Contact information

Irina Karabulatova: +79162534360

Daniil Okolyshev: +79168039119

Zou Jinna+8618346508968

Pei Haitong+8615842006269

Ouyang Tingwang+86 15201050214


Institute of the Russian Language of Heilongjiang University

Scientific Research Center of Russian Philology, Literature and Culture

of Heilongjiang University

Department of Research on the Methodology of Teaching Russian at the Chinese Society for the Study of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Leading Innovation Group of Heilongjiang Province for the Study of the Russian Language

                                                                                                                                   16 January 2024  

Requirements for the materials provided

Materials are provided in Russian, English.

Annotations in the texts in the languages of the conference. Materials on the report in the form of an article for publication are provided in electronic form by e-mail: heidaeyu614@163.com; radogost2000@mail.ru  in Word format, type size 14, interval 1.5, UDC index, BBK index, the title of the report is written in capital letters (in English and in Russian), in the right corner – the surname and initials of the author, city, country, university, email address, orcid). The minimum volume of the article is 0.8 printed sheet (32,000 characters with spaces), the maximum volume of the article is 1 printed sheet (40,000 with spaces). If these requirements are met, there should be 30 lines on one page and 70 printed characters on one line. Tables should not take up more than 20% of the total volume of the manuscript. The analyzed contexts are not italicized, given in a smaller font (size 12) and numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses. Contexts are provided with mandatory indication of the source from which they were extracted. If it is necessary to highlight a word form or phrase in the context, then this should be done using bold font. Illustrations (drawings, diagrams, graphs, photographs) are placed within the working field directly in the text of the article, based on the logic of the presentation, and are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. The illustrations should be clear. It is allowed to use drawings in JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats. The inscriptions on the illustrations must correspond to the text. Each drawing must have at least one link in the text. Scanned images are not allowed to be used in the text.

The recommended number of authors of the article should not exceed 5-6, except in situations where the presented article describes the results of large-scale scientific research.

It is mandatory to specify information about the author of the article in a separate file: first name, patronymic (in full), last name, academic degree (if any), academic title (if any), contact information (place of work and position of the author, postal address of the organization [or organizations, if the author specifies several places of work], contact phone number, e-mail), the ORCID identifier. In the event that a printed copy of the journal is required, you must also specify the mailing address for forwarding.

Abstract in Russian and English 200 words, keywords: 7 – 10 words. Abstract requirements. The abstract should not contain general words that increase the volume, but do not contribute to the disclosure of the content of the article. It should reflect the essential results of the work presented in accordance with the logic of the description in the article, free from secondary information. The volume of the abstract is 150-160 words in Russian, 200-250 words in English. If there are three or more co-authors in the article, the abstract should specify the specific contribution of each of the co-authors to the concept and execution of the published research. Since a high-quality abstract in English is the main criterion for including publications in international databases, the following are recommendations for its compilation.

One of the variants of the abstract structure is a brief repetition of the introduction (subject, topic, purpose of the work), the method or methodology of the work, the scope of the results. The sequence of presentation of the content of the article can be changed, starting with the presentation of the results of the work and conclusions. The subject, topic, and purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article. It is advisable to describe the method or methodology of the work if they differ in novelty. The abstracts of the articles describing the experimental studies indicate the data sources and the nature of their processing. The results of the work are described accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns are presented. At the same time, preference is given to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the author's opinion, have practical conclusions can be accompanied by recommendations, assessments, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text. Unnecessary introductory phrases should be avoided (for example, the author of the article is considering). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, a description of previously published works and well-known provisions are not provided in the abstract. The abstract text should avoid complex grammatical constructions (not applicable in scientific English). In the text of the abstract in English, the terminology characteristic of foreign special texts should be used, and the use of terms that are a direct tracing of Russian-language terms should be avoided. It is necessary to observe the unity of terminology within the abstract.

Literature: no more than 20 titles. Self-citation of no more than 3 works. At least 75% of the links have been published in the last 5 years. a list of literature in Russian and References, containing transliterated and translated into English titles of scientific papers, which is drawn up in accordance with the rules adopted in the journal; a list of sources (if available) and dictionaries (if available).

The materials will be published after the presentations and discussions at the breakout sessions of the conference. The manuscript undergoes a "double-blind" review. The article is sent to the reviewers without specifying the author's surname and information about him, the review is sent to the author of the article without specifying the names of the reviewers and information about them. If the reviews contain recommendations for the revision of the article, the editorial board of the journal sends the author the text of the reviews with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to reject them with reasoned reasons. The article revised by the author is re-sent for review.

important! It is necessary to prepare an abbreviated version beforehand for publication on the conference website and placement in the conference materials collection program in Russian, English and Chinese: an expanded abstract of up to 300 words, a photo of the author/authors with a brief autobiography for.

Article structure rules





Authors and information about them

Irina S. Karabulatova

Dr of Philological Sciences, Professor,

Lomonosov MSU, RUDN-university, Bauman MSTU,

Moscow, Russia,

Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China




Text (each section is marked with a subtitle: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Discussion, Results, Conclusion, Gratitude, Literature). References in the text: [Vorontsov, 2019].

Abstract: 200 words. This is a summary of your work.

Keywords: 7-10 words.

Introduction. This section includes the relevance and novelty of the task.

Materials and methods. This section contains information about the methods used, who introduced these methods for the first time. Next: what is the source base of the study?

Discussion. Analysis of works on the topic of your research.

Results. Your personal contribution to solving the problem.

Conclusion.  The conclusions of your research. Job prospects.

Acknowledgment. For information about the support of the publication by the foundation or organization.

Reference. The literature should include at least 75% of English-language sources (over the past 5 years), then Russian-language and/or other sources in transliteration and in the original language. References to their own works: no more than 3 in total, regardless of the place in the cited article. The literature is designed according to the AРA:

Karabulatova I.S., Vorontsov K.V. (2019). Digital linguistical migrationology: the possibilities of artificial intelligence in the study of migration processes.  II World Congress in real and virtual mode "West-East: crossing cultures", 2-6 October 2019, Japan, Kyoto Sange University, Scientific and practical materials of the 2nd world Congress in Japan 2019, Kyoto: Kyoto Sang, 2:  760-766.

The Organizing Committee has the right to reject materials if they do not correspond to the problems of the conference, as well as to comment on the submitted materials for correction.

Information support: "Bulletin of Volgograd State University. Series 2. Linguistics", "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University", "Bulletin of the Adygea State University. Series: Philology and Art History", "Bulletin of the Adygea State University. Series: Sociology and Regional Studies", "Bulletin of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture", "Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University", "Questions of linguistics", etc.

Reports prepared in accordance with the rules of these journals will be published in the issues of certain series.


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